PIFRA Registration For Govt Employee Salary Slip

how to get pifra online salary slip for govt employees

Pakistan Government Finance Department Has conveniences The Govt Employees To Get Their Monthly Pay With Salary Slip On Their Email Address. Since Govt Employees i.e Doctors, Officers & Junior Staff Have To Go The Account Office For Their Salary Slip But Now They Can Get Their Salary Slip Online On Their Email Address.

PIFRA Online Salary Slip/Pay Slip For Govt Employee

Now you can get your salary slip with complete detail in your email account on monthly basis.Pifra Is Govt Website Where All Govt Employees Can Get Their Salary Slip But Govt Employees Should Register Themselves On PIFRA Website. Whole Procedure Is Given Below.

Online Pifra Payslip Email Registration Method

First of all, we need some documents to get Register The Employee On PIFRA Website. The male and Female staff will be able to get register for the pifra online payroll. The pifra pay and pension can be download only if you get to register on
the pifra.gov.pk

Information Needed:

  1. The Employee Should a member of Govt Department
  2. The Employee Personal Number
  3. Province
  4. New CNIC Number
  5. Yahoo or Gmail Email ID
  6. Complete Name Registered on CNIC
  7. Pay Scale
  8. Mobile Number

After having this information you have to visit this link

Then you have to insert your province single letter in Govt Code box ie. Instert P for Punjab and F = Federal, N = KP Govt. S = Sindh, B = Balochistan, DGP = District Govt Pubjab K = Kashmir . K = Kashmir, GB = Gilgit-Baltistan. GBC = GB Council and C = Kashmir Council.

The in next box insert your Employee’s Personnel No. that can get from your department accountant or your nearby district account office. In next box insert your CNIC in the given format without dashes (-). then select your Date of birth and insert the mobile number that you own. Review the whole form and then press the button. Here after if you have correct information then you will be prompt to insert your registered Email address. After inserting your Gmail or Yahoo mail address then press next. And If you have done this all, then you will get an SMS on mobile for the successful signup.

And now you have completed the Government Employees (Mulazmeen) Registration to get an online Pay slip via email on monthly basis. Get log in on each month to get your salary slip. You will get all your department, bank account, pay allowances, address and other information on your pay slip file. Follow the concerned criteria to signup for Pifra Pay Rol

Salary Slip online

The Major Terms Used to find Pifra Salary Slip Pay rol Online:

www.pifra.gov.pk registration

Pifra Pakistan

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