Pakistan Defence Day (Youme Difa) HD Wallpapers, Fb Cover Photos & Dpz

6th september pakistan defence day hd wallpapers

6 september defence day is celebrated in Pakistan in the rememberence of incedent of 6th September 1965 pak-indo war in which Pakistan defend the Indian attacks on Pakistan and got vicktory. As we can say that if we are breathing freely it is all because of those people of sacrifices their home, family, children, mothers, fathers and best one their life for us. 6th September is cerebrated in Pakistan in the rememberence of all the martyred of indo pak war on 6th septemr 1965. Pakistan army defend their country very well and told all the world that war is not to fight with weapons but you should have spirit to get victory. In September 1965 india attack on Lahore city and they claimed that their dinner will be in Lahore, their meaning was they will get on pakistan’s Lahore but Pakistan army defend the attack very well. In this war many martyred got pakistan’s first and best military award “Nishan e haider” that is only give to those who do best and sacrifice their lifes for the future of Pakistan. War affected both Pakistan and india and as Pakistan saved their country so Pakistan celebrate this day as defence day.

Pakistan Youme Difa HD Wallpapers:

War was stopped by the support of the United Nations Organization (UNO). On this day there is prade organized in Islamabad ground where the Pakistan army shows their weapons, tanks and latest weapon technology that they have and show the opponents that if they will come to Pakistan for war they will not succeed and Pakistan’s heavy weapons will welcome them. There is one more issue between Pakistan and India that is still unresolved since 1947 that is Kashmir valley.

India have occupied Kashmir as it is Muslim community area and wants to affiliate with Pakistan but india is not doing that because india wants Kashmir to merge with them. Pakistan will fought for the Kashmir till last that will be merged in Pakistan.

6 September 1965 War Pictures:

Pakistani people celebrate the 6th September defence day with great spirite as they do prayers and fateha Khawani for martyred of indo pak war and feel proud for their families. On the day Pakistani people changes their Facebook Profile dp as defence day beautiful dps so here at you can download free 6th September youme difa pretty and stylo facebook profile pics and cover photos. You can also download desktop images of 6 september youm e difa that you can set as background image of your pc that looks very beautiful. Pakistan defence day 6 september hd wallpapers are available here to download free. Just right click on the image and then click on save image and your image will be downloaded in your storage.

Pakistan Defence Day 6 September HD Wallpapers:

Here is large collection of Pak defence day 6 september facebook cover photos and fb cover pics that you can put on your social media accounts or you can send beautiful defence day sms to your loved ones. Pakistan defence day youme difa beautiful pictures that you can put on your tablet, android mobile, laptop, computer or pc that will give pretty look and everyone will appreciate it very well. Download defence day HD wallpapers, images, snaps, videos, pictures and songs from here.

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