PAF College Sargodha Admission Written Test Result 2024

paf sargodha college admission entry test result

PAF College Sargodha Written test result 2024 roll no are here below in this post that you can check online at you can check online PAF Sargodha Written Test Result 2024. Pakistan Air Force College Sargodha Admission written Test Result 2024 for 8th class and 1st year will be announced here at PAF Entry Test result 2024 is awaiting by candidates who applied for admission in paf Sargodha and now they are waiting for the result so that they can decide for the future.

PAF Sargodha College Entry Written Test Result 2024

Passing candidates will be further required to pass the intelligence test that is called IQ test after that candidates will be gone through a screening test and then students will get admission in PAF Sargodha College Entry Written Test Result 2024. You can also check online PAF Sargodha Final merit list 2024 from here.


OILOIT CENTRE: DG003. DG006. DG018. DG020. DG026. DG028. DG032. DG033. DG034. DG036. 0G041. DG044. DG049 DG063.
DG064 DG077

MUZAFFARABAD CENTRE; DM001. DM002 DM003, DM004 DM005 DM006. DM016. DM017. DM026 DM029

WANA; DN002. DNO03 DN007, DM014. DN016. DN018 DN019. DM020. DMQ23. DM024. DN026. DM027. DM028

SKARDU CENTRE; DU0O2. 00003. DU0O5. OU011. DU012. DU018. DU022. CXJ024. DU025. DU031. DU033. DUO34, DU035. OU036, 0U044. DU046. DU049.DU060


HYDERABAD CENTRE: H0002. H0007. H0008 H0011. H0013, MO015 H0016. M0024. H0032 H0034, H0038 H0059, M0071
KARACHI CENTRE: K0004. K0014. K0015. K0028. K0029. K0034. K0035. K0036. K0O39. K0043. K0046. K0048. K0052. K0063,   K0054.K0060. K0O62 K0070. K0071. K0073. K0074. K0076. K0060. K0081. K0082 K0084, K0066.K0O89 K0090  K0093, K0095. K0098 K0100. K0101.K0102. K01Q5. K0109. K0117. K0120. K0122. K0126. K0130. K0131. K0135. K0137 K0143.K0144. K0149. K0150. K0162. K0163 K0175 K0179 K0185. K0191. K0192. K0193. K0195. K0197. K0207. K0208. K0217. K0231. K0236. K0239.                        K0240, K0250. K0256. K0273. K0276.K0282. K0303,K03O4 K0311. K0320. K0331. KD333, K0334. K0335. K0336, K0341. K0343. K0345. KQ349. K0360, K0367. K0383

LAHORE CENTRE: 10013 L0026. L0027.10036.10051. L0071. L0062. L0105. L0106. L0106. L0141. L0142. L0143. L0147.10150. L0169.10173. L0185. L0189.10191. 10204. LQ212. L0216. L0225. L0236. L0239. L0247.10250. L0251,10257. L0262. L0263. 10270 L0271. L0295 10300. L0302. L0315.10327. L0329. L0330. L0342. L0349.    L0364.L0379.10403.10406.  L0410.   L0426.10480.    L0488.10492.L0493.10502.L0510. LQ543 L0573. L0600. L0601. L0602. L0613. L0617. L0618,  L0621.10623. L0624.L0631. L0633. L0641. L0642.    L0667. L0704. L0757.L0781.10802.10627. L0873. L0875.10688. L0892.10900, 10931. L0941. L0959. L0973. L0986. LO901. L0993.11003.11011.11016. 11027. L1034. L1035. L1037. L1038. L1039,11041.11042. L1045.11060. L1055. L1063. L10G9.11071. L1072. L1074. L1076. L1078. L10B1. L1086. L1088, L1069. L1090. L1091 L1093. L1094. L1096. L1106 L1109 11113 L1124. L1129 L1141. L1149, L1166 L1167. L1187. L1206. L1211. L1219. L1223. L1224. L1226. L1233. L1246. L1250. L1260. L1270. L1279. L1285.11300.11302.11340. L1362. L1438.11444 11446.L1447 L1449. L1450, L1451. L1452. L1456. L1457, L1500. L1540. L1544. L1567,L1559.  L1566.   L1567. L1591 L1635.L1636. L1638.  L1640.L1653,L1672. L1662.11684 11685. L1687.11690. L1696.11701.11703. L1709. 11711 11712.11715 11720 L1722. L1725.11749.H792, L1796. L1808.11810.11813. L1828.11830. L1833. L1875. L1878.11880. L1904. L1922. L1962. L1963. L1966. L1973  L1977. L1990,11991.11992,12000.12002. 12021. L2033.12057. 12060.12113.12130.12138, L2139. L2141. L2153.12171. L2172. L2200. L2207.12232.,12233.12236 L2239. L2241. L2247. L2259, L2263. L2314. L2317.12344 12352.

MULTAN CENTRE: MO012. MO015. MO017, M0018. M0020. M0021. M0026. M003V M0O32. M0O35. M0042. M0044. M0049. M0059.MC068 M0O69 MOO74 MOOTS. M0082. M0O85 M0087, M0069 M0091 M0092. M0094 M0096 MO097 M0101. M0102. M0103 M0105. M0106.M0109. M0111 M01I6 M0117 M0116. M0121. M0184. M0185 M0187. M0188. M0196. M0201. M0202. M0223. M0224. MQ230. M0232. M0233.M0235, M0239. M0243. M0247. M0248. M0253. M0260 M0263 M0265 M0269 M0273 M0281. M0286. M0290 M0306 M0309 M0322. M0332.M0334. MO336 M0351. M0352. M0353. M0355 MO358 M0374 MO384 M0392 M0397 M0400. MO401 MO410. MM 15. M0424. M0430, M0432.M0436. M0457. M0463 M0476. M0537. M0539, MO540 M0543 M0545. M0551. M0557 M0568. M0563, M0569. M0570. M0574. M0575. M0576.M0679. MO580 M0583 M0584. M0585. M0688. MO591. M0602. M0603 M0608 M0609 M0612. M0617. M0618 M0619. M0620. M0622. M0624.M0625. M0626 M0627. M0628. M0666 M0686 M0687 M0688. M0705 M0722. M0735. MO738 M0752. M0765. M0771. MO785 MO791, M0792. M0794. MO796 M0602 M0805. M0806 M0608 M0812. M0813 M0815 M0819 M0822 M0829 M0836 M0843 M0645 M0847. M0850. M0856.M0668, M0673 M0889 M0906, M0910. M0914 M0915 M0918 MD920. M0924. M0930 M0932 M0948 M0955. M0967 M0982 M0967. M1001M1052. M1074. M1145. M1146 M1150. M1167. M1183
SUKKUR CENTRE: N0007. N0008. N0023. N0031. N0O34. N0035. N0040. N0O62. N0063. N0065 N0067 N0074. N0060 NO081 N0091,N0095. N0123. N0124
PESHAWAR CENTRE: P0001. P0013, P0Q31 P0064 P0065 P0069, P0074. P0120. P0121. P0125. P0140. P0143. P0145. P0147.
P0148. P0150. P0158. P0159. P0165. P0175. P0180. P0181. P0185. P0188. P0192. P0199. P0207. P0208. P0230. P0239. P0241. P0243. P0260.P0267. P0272. P0277. P0286. P0287 PQ292. P0293, P0294, P0295 P0300 P0303, P0306, P0314. P0316 P0330, P0345 P0349. P0351, P0352.P0353. P0354. P0358. P0361. P0367 P0384. P0391. P0403. P0422. P0432. P0437. P0439 P0441. P0443, P0462. P0494. P0495. P0510. P0511,P0520, P0529. P0533, P0539. P0565 P0660, P0561 P0570 P0605 P0613. P0615, P0617 P0625. P0629 P0635, P0641 P0643 P0653 P0655,P0658 P0660. P0683. P0685. P0683. P0712. P0722. P0725. P0771. P0789. P0792. P0794. P0814. P0618. P0831. P0833. P0837. P0851. P0870.P0885 P0923. P0949. P0977 P1001. P1006 P1034, P1043. P1079. P1090, P11W, P1108. P1159, P1176
QUETTA CENTRE: Q0C01.00002.00003.00004 00005.00006.00007.00008. Q0011.00014.00019,00021.00023. 00024.00025, 00026 00027 00028, 00033. 00035 00036 00037. 00038, 00039 00041 00047. 00048. 00055. 00059. 00060. 00063, 00066. 00068. 00071. 00072. 00073. 00075. 00076. 00077. 00078 00079. 00082 00089, 00092. 00093 00096 00097, 00099, Q0100. 00106. 00115. 00118,00122.00123.00127
RAWALPINDI CENTRE: R0012 R0Q26. R0O42. R0049. ROOM. R0056, R0088, R0096 R0120, R0140. R0150. R0165. R0168, R0185.
R0190. R0199. R0202 R0220 R0222. R0223, R0230. R0251. R0252. R0253, R02S4, R0257, R0259, R0267. R0272. R0277. R0281. R0282. R0284, R0285. R0303 R0305 R0308 R0312. R0331, R0332, R0363. R0367 R0381 R0382 R0387, R0411. R0420. R0421. R0422. R0427. R0445. R0457. R0458 R0465 R0515. R0520. R0541 R0546 R0550 R0567. R0568 R0582, R0595, R0607 R0608. R0609 R0610, R0620. R0630, R0640 R0646 R0655 RQ666 R0693 R0695 R0699. R0724. R0725. R0731, R0734. R0736. R0737. R0747. R0750. R0759, R0763. R0770, R0776 R0784 R0792 R0798 R0799 R0801 R0615 R0816 R0820 R0837 R0844. R0857 R0866 R0688 R089I R0893, R0895,R0905, R0906, R0909 R0924 R0931. R0935 R0937 R0942 R0952 R0959. R0968. R0985, R0987, R0988. R0991. R0997. R1007. R1010.R1013 R1049 R1051, R1069. R1109 R1114 R1121. R1136 R1177. R1185. R1190, R1206 R1221 R1293. R1303. R1314 R1327. R1340 R1357.R1369. R1381 R1401. R1409. R1410 R1418. R1420. R1434. R1435. R1450. R1455. R1474. R1477. R1480. R1502. R1504. R1521. R1525.R1526. R1532. R1546 R1605, R1614
SARGODHA CENTRE: S0007. S0O22. S0027 S0043 S0049. S0061. S0067. S0123, $0125 $0126, $0152. S0153. $0170. S0175.S0190 S0193. S0255. S0259, S0260 S0271. S0280, S0289. S0293. S0296. SO350, SO358, S0365, S0373. S0389. S0412. S0421. S0423, S0425,
$0428 S0429. S0430 S0435. $0437 S0443. S0454. S0455. $0474 S0481 SO503 S0517. S0518 S0533 S0538. S0543 S0551 S0583 S0584.S0615 S0619. S0620. S0623. S0631 S0643. S0644 S0668. S0695. S0700. S0726, S0737. S0745. S0782 S0785. S0790. S0793. S0825. S0833,S0850. S0865 S0887 S0903. S0911 S0928. S0935 S0936. S0941. S0970. S0987 S0989 S0998, SI006 S1022. S1023. S1041 S1054 S1056,S1078. S1087, S1117, S1131. S1184. S1186. S1189 S1206. S1222. $1273. S1285. $1321. S1323, $1336. S1346. S1383. S1401. S1403. S1411.S1413. S1415. S1416. S1439. S1442. S1467. S1491. S1508. S1586. S1621. S1655. S1657.S1668


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