How To Open UBL Kommitee Account, Features & Eligibility Criteria

ubl commitee account money saving kameti united bank limited

Very First time in Pakistan UBL Kommittee is now launched for all the customers of UBL Bank limited. Now there are no worries of gathering people for Kommittee and no tension for loss because UBL Kommittee is here to help you out. You can make your own Kommittee in UBL bank Limited.

How To Open UBL Kommitee Account, Eligibility Criteria

You can start your own 12 months, 18 months or 24 months Kommittee in UBL bank with UBL Kommittee offer. Here at webstudy you can get complete details UBL Kommittee because is the right place where you can get complete information of ubl committee and check installment details about this Kommittee.

In ubl Kommittee you can start committee of Rs 5000-1000000 per month and you will also get Bank Contribution after all the installments and Kommittee time. You can only get Kommittee after the specific time period. You can get your money before Kommittee time period ends but there will not b a bank contribution included and you will get your money without any penalty.

UBL Kommitee Account Details

Below is only an example of Rs. 100.000 per month Kommettee



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Total Bank contribution alter Customer completes all Kommittee cycle contributionsTotal payout to Customer (Customer  Bank



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24 monthsRs. 100.000Rs. 2.400.000Equal to one month contribution from the CustomerRs. 100.000Rs. 2.500.000
18 monthsRs. 100.000Rs. 1,800.000Half of one month contribution from the CustomerRs. 50,000Rs. 1,850.000
12 monthsRs. 100,000Rs. 1,200.000Quarter of one month contribution from the CustomerRs. 25.000Rs. 1,225.000

Net of current applicable taxes

UBL Kommittee annount key features are as below that very awesome. Everyone should open a Kommittee account in UBL because this is very handsome offer by United bank limited. You will also get bank contribution it means you will also get your money along with some extra money.

Features Of UBL Kommittee Account:

  • You can choose your own Kommittee time peiod cycles like 12 month, 18 months, 24 months.
  • No Penalty on withdrawal ubl Kommittee, it means tax-free Kommittee will be given to you.
  • UBL will also give you bank contribution with Kommittee amount.
  • Installment holiday feature that means if you do not have money to give installment then you can mark that month as instalment holiday without penalty or giving any extra money.
  • Free e-statements for Kommittee account and free sms Service for Kommittee account in ubl

How to Open Kommittee Annount In UBL:

To open a Kommittee in ubl bank limited cross the door of nearest UBL bank branch and meet manager to open a UBL Kommittee account.


All UBL current and / or saving account (single, joint, partnership or corporate) holders. All NTB customers will be asked to open up a checking account of their choice first before opening up a Kommittee account.

Bank Contribution:

Bank will also contribut to your Kommittee after all the installments done. All this is to encourage the customers to pay all the instalments of Kommittee. On making payments of all the 24 months instalments bank will give you 100% of the monthly Kommittee instalment amount. For example if your Kommittee is 5000 per month then after 24 months of instalments without any holiday instalment then you will get Rs 5000 after 2 years. If you will make a 18 months Kommittee  then you will get 50% monthly instalment amount as profit and bank contribution. 12 months Kommittee and will get 25% monthly instalment amount to the customers after all the payment instalments done.

Kommittee Time Period:

You can choose your own choice Kommittee time period ie length of the Kommittee will be 12 months, 18 months, 24 months.

Instalment Holiday:

In case you do not have balance to update Kommittee account then you can mark that month as instalment holiday and you will not also have to pay penalty.

Kommittee Withdraw:

You can get your Kommittee amount only after the months of  your choosed before that you can not get your amount but if you get your money before due date then you will not get bank contribution profit money.

UBL Contact Number:

Phone Number: 111-825-888


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