AIOU Past Papers Code 364 Urdu 2 Download is here with you to get AIOU Code 364 Urdu Part 2 Past Papers 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 for the examination of 2024. If you will pass this subject then you will get your degree otherthan you will not pass the examination of intermediate because urdu is a compulsory subject in all levels of Allama iqbal Open University Islamabad.
University provides distance learning facilities to students from all over Pakistan & also the nationals of Pakistan who are living abroad. It took examinations in the semester system after every 6 months. Every student of inter FA 364 Past Papers Urdu 2 is compulsory for part 1 & part 2. You can download these past papers for free from here just by clicking the image.